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Root Canal Therapy
Ann Arbor, MI

Root Canal Treatment

The teeth are incredibly strong. Every day, they help you to bite and chew a wide variety of different foods, enabling you to enjoy numerous different tastes and textures. While the teeth are incredibly strong, they can still be faced with physical damage and decay. When these issues go untreated, you can develop a serious infection. In the event of a tooth infection, Greashaber Dentistry can restore your oral health with a root canal.

How Do I Get an Infection?

Looking at your teeth in a mirror, they look pretty simple. All you see is the enamel. The enamel is only one layer of your teeth. This hard, mineralized layer protects the layers underneath. Below the enamel is the dentin, which contains hollow canals that lead to the roots of the teeth. Below the dentin is the pulp chamber and the pulp, the soft tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves. While the outer layer of your teeth is exceptionally hard, it is still susceptible to physical damage and decay. If the damage extends past the enamel and into the inner layers, bacteria can travel inside. When bacteria get inside the tooth, they begin attacking the pulp, causing irritation and inflammation, which can lead to severe pain. The longer you go without treatment, the worse the infection becomes. Bacteria can spill out of the root of the tooth and into the jawbone. Once there, they can spread into the bloodstream, causing inflammation in the blood vessels and serious health complications.

Symptoms of an Infection

A painful toothache is one of the biggest indications that something is wrong. Infections inside the tooth exhibit other symptoms as well, including:
•  Swelling. You may notice swelling in your jaw or your face.
•  A bad taste in your mouth. No matter how much you brush and floss, the taste never seems to go away.
•  Lingering pain and sensitivity. These often indicate a dying nerve.
•  Bone loss in your jaw.
•  Dental abscesses. A dental abscess forms when bacteria spill out of the tooth root. The abscess is a sac that forms to contain the bacteria. Over time, the abscess continues to grow and can eventually rupture.

Ann Arbor, MI man smiling about his successful root canal procedure by his dentist at Greashaber Dentistry in Ann Arbor, MI.

Diagnosing a Tooth Infection

If you are experiencing symptoms of an infection, it is important that you seek dental treatment right away. To diagnose the cause of your symptoms, a thorough oral exam is performed. We look over the visible structures of your mouth, checking for signs of tooth damage as well as signs of infection in the gums. We also take dental x-rays. These images allow us to see issues below the gum line, including root damage, bone loss, and abscesses.

How is a Root Canal Performed?

A root canal is generally performed under a local anesthetic, although sedation may also be provided. The procedure begins with a small access hole drilled into the top of the tooth. Small, specialized tools are used to remove the infected pulp and the nerve. The canals are cleaned and shaped, and the entire tooth is disinfected. Next, a filling material is placed inside to seal the canals, and a crown is placed on the tooth. The crown restores strength and helps to protect the tooth from any further complications. If you suspect that you have an infection in your tooth, it is important that you seek treatment right away. Call Greashaber Dentistry today at (734) 662-1113 to schedule your appointment.
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Root Canal Therapy | Greashaber Dentistry - Ann Arbor, MI
In the event of a tooth infection, Greashaber Dentistry can restore your oral health with a root canal. Click here to learn more and give us a call today!
Greashaber Dentistry, 1119 Packard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 ^ (734) 662-1113 ^ ^ 10/9/2024 ^ Associated Words: dentist Ann Arbor ^